The Saint of Bright Doors

Vajra Chandrasekera
The Saint of Bright Doors Cover

The Saint of Bright Doors


This book was very original in its mix of demons and anti-gods, brightly colored portals, and dystopian South Asia. I must admit, it is like nothing I've read before. At the same time, the strangeness of it made it difficult to stick to it. The prose, though, was phenomenal. It's a very literary novel, with little back and forth dialogue and a ton of world building. I assume it's set in a dystopian South Asia as the author is from Sri Lanka, there are tuk-tuks, there's racism and castes, and saris are worn. But the location is never clearly defined. I can see why this book was nominated for a 2023 Nebula, but I thought it might be a little too prosy for a Hugo. However, it was nominated for a 2024 Hugo as well.

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